The sun sets just the same in DC, I've decided. I've always been one of those cliche-bearing girls who would quickly announce to all who would listen that 'I love long walks and sunsets'. I really do. Only I prefer long runs and sunsets.
My last month in San Francisco I spent my days worrying about how I would ever recover from leaving my favorite city, how I would ever find as beautiful a place to run at six am or how I would ever find a sunset as breathtaking as the ones I saw over Ocean Beach or Golden Gate bridge. And lo-and-behold, I've discovered that the sun sets just the same in DC. I find it poking it out at me when I least expect, like through the middle of a tree-lined street on a sweltering hot August day. With this new discovery in mind, I realized that my life in DC would be ok. Leaving San Francisco and everything it encompasses was hard, but living in DC will not be... I'm excited about the next two years and hope it brings me more inspiring sunsets, be it over the Washington Memorial or my simple snow-covered house...