High Number 1: Signed up for salsa lessons again. Loaded up on Suzie Q's (they do exist!) and cross-body leads. I hope to one day debut on So You Think You Can Dance. And not in the "special" section where they make fun of everyone.
High Number 2: Finished Midterm #1 successfully. It's also my only midterm so with one two-hour test, I started and finished my midterm season.
High Number 3: Pumpkin Carving! I can't remember the last time I carved pumpkins. Thanks for organizing girls- I felt like a kid again.
High Number 4: Spending an entire weekend with three people I love- my favorite L-y, Kiri, and Red. I needed a serious dose of all three.
High Number 5: Getting VIP treament at the club Saturday night in NYC. We said we're with Lyndsey's party and got treated like royalty in the door. We'd like to think they thought we were with Lindsay Lohan because even though we know we're awesome, we're not THAT awesome. :)
High Number 6: Being less than a week away from seeing my boyfriend, after two long months. Long distance sucks, but it's worth it when you find the right person- and who could be more awesome than someone you've known for so many years?
Not-so-bright moment of the week: going nuts for hours thinking I lost my cell phone. Staying at the club til closing (4am in NYC) trying to find my phone, only to give up, grab my coat, walk out the door, and realize it was in my coat pocket the ENTIRE time. Yes, I did feel like a complete idiot.
And some pictures...
We found a boy scout! Apparently that's his REAL boy scout outfit from when he was younger. Woah.

Red (Ricky Bobby) is one of the most awesome men in my life, I can't believe we've been friends for so long!

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