Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To Do.

1. Put off paper. (check)

2. Write paper.

3. Get sleep. Must stop doing (1) and finish (2) to achieve.

4. Study for final. Must first stop (1), finish (2), and squeeze in (3).

5. Plan vacation to the motherland. Effective way of achieving (1). But instead, I blog.

6. Find new job. Must do (1)-(4) first.

7. Write Career Development Plan by Friday. Or else get locked out of Career Center. Effectively making (6) very hard to do.

8. STOP blogging. Delays (3) even further.

9. Learn how to effectively time manage. But I, judging from (1)-(8), don't have time to learn how to effectively time manage. And therein, my friends, lies my problem...